
Migrate with Roving Bushtops



"Luxury Safaris in Zimbabwe & Botswana"

"Our family-run Five miles Camps are dedicated to the most luxurious and exciting wildlife viewing on the planet – but also something more."

— Tendai Pilatwe


Luxury Safaris in Zimbabwe & Botswana

Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, our African ancestors gathered around fires to tell stories and share warmth. Today, our historic locations, wild encounters and Five miles campfires help guests reconnect with our shared history and what really matters to all of us: nature, people, time – and the human spirit.

The Great Migration

Nothing surpasses the sight of buffalo and zebra in their millions, on an endless migration in search of food and water. No one ever forgets the spectacle of a river crossing, as nervous herds splash past the snapping jaws of expectant crocodiles. Simply following the migration’s progress adds an awe-inspiring highlight to any African adventure.


-Where? When?

These are the two biggest questions we are asked, every year.
When is the best time to visit Five miles? And where will the migrating buffalo and zebra actually be, month by month? If you know Africa (or read our reports) you’ll know that nothing is ever certain and everything can change. Migrations follow a broad clockwise pattern, but it’s rainfall and grass that determine the route and timings. Human insights and constant tracking help us anticipate movements, but we have precisely no control over what the herds will do next. What we can do is show the herds’ locations at any time and their likely direction of travel. Our interactive ‘WOW’ (Where’s Our Buffalo) map gives an overview, relative to the location of our three Five miles Camps.


Migration river crossings
If your dream is to watch armies of vast grass-eaters splash past crocodiles, Chobe Five miles in Botswana and Hwange Five miles in Zimbabwe offer the perfect locations. From each side of the river borders, we have a prime view of multiple crossing points
